Were You Diagnosed With Cancer Due
To Roundup?
You could Be Entitled To
A CASH Settlement!

Did Anyone Know About The Dangers of Using Roundup?  Monsanto did…

Unfortunately, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and learned too late that their cancer may have been caused due to the most common garden product in U.S. stores, Roundup® weed killer. The most common cancer found among frequent Roundup® users is Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL). But Roundup® can cause other cancers too, like brain cancer and leukemia.

The Monsanto Company began producing Roundup® weed killer in 1970 with a primary active ingredient (or agent) named glyphosate. After more than 40 years of marketing Roundup® to the agricultural industry, nurseries, landscapers, and home gardeners as a safe & reliable weed killer, independent scientists discovered a high correlation between the use of Roundup® and the development of cancer.

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